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Upcoming Events

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Come To Your Senses:
A Sensory Awareness Retreat

Friday, November 1 - Monday, November 4

Saranam; Montrose, WV

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Although the name suggests this retreat is all about sensory experience, in reality, it is so much more than that. It’s a few days away from your daily life, immersed in a beautiful natural setting, where you can slow down and become aware of your existing patterns, try out a "buffet" of new possible habits, and then create a personal toolkit to take home and bring into your everyday life.


It’s also a great way to focus on your awareness and find out what it means to be truly present in the moment, without having to follow the rigors of a formal practice or wonder whether you're "doing it right."


Our intention is simply to create a safe and encouraging space in which to make discoveries about your mind through fun, purposeful experiments, balanced with periods of intentional silence – giving you a clear, steady, and inquisitive view on life that lasts long beyond the end of the retreat.

You will gain tools that are always available (and easy to remember) to help you shake loose from unhelpful patterns, gain empathy for yourself and others, and make choices that feel good in your gut. Immersed in an atmosphere of curiosity, with fellow explorers, you will participate in activities that foster courage and invite wonder.

By engaging with the physical senses with a willing and open mind, you can come home to an empowering truth: that what might at first seem like another new habit to establish is actually an innate ability that just needed to be recognized. You will make the best kind of discoveries: the ones that cannot be taught.


The retreat begins at 4pm on Friday November 1 and ends at noon on Monday November 4.

Registration includes instruction, materials, meals, and accommodation at Saranam.


For more information, and to register, email

Come To Your Senses: Meditation for Non-Meditators

Friday, May 23 - Monday, May 26, 2025

The Forge; Corwen, Wales, UK


We have a confession to make: this is not actually a meditation retreat. Wait, what?

The truth is, our meditation practices are deeply rooted in well-established lineages. Maybe yours are too. Or maybe everything you've heard about meditation makes you think that it is the most unappealing, terrifying, baffling, or boring way imaginable to spend a long holiday weekend.

So maybe we should start with: what is meditation anyway? And why is it worthwhile?

We hope that this retreat can show you one surprising answer: that maybe it's something you're doing already. And harnessing the potential of this latent superpower might just be a matter of giving yourself the space to notice it.

We know this is not a very detailed description of what will happen on our retreat. But who can describe your mind to you, other than yourself? Our intention is simply to create a safe and encouraging space in which to make discoveries about your own mind through fun, purposeful experiments, balanced with periods of intentional silence – and to help you remember how to apply these findings in your daily life, once the retreat is over.

We’ll explore how to be truly present in the moment, without having to fold into special postures or learn mantras to chant. And we'll do it all in a gorgeous off-grid retreat venue, staying in luxury glamping bell tents, snuggled into the countryside of North Wales.

Turning on all our senses to experience and engage with the world fully turns out to be a great way to tune into understanding ourselves – and can prove to be the most powerful portable tool you have. Connecting sense and memory, exploring senses beyond “the famous five,” and playing at the boundary between the familiar and the unfamiliar are some of the ways we’ll tap into a deep sense of confidence, groundedness, and balance, giving you a clear and inquisitive view on life that lasts long beyond the end of the retreat.


The discoveries you'll make cannot be taught or read in a book – only gained through direct experience. By engaging with the physical senses with a willing and open mind, you can come home to an empowering truth: that what might at first seem like another new habit to establish is actually an innate ability that just needed to be recognized.

Jivaka Yoga Classes
Weekly Schedule

Tues 5:30 - 6:30 PM — Beginners' Yoga with Julie (Shine On Yoga)

Wed 5:30 - 6:30 PM —  Align & Flow with Julie (Shine On Yoga)

Thurs 5:30 - 6:45 PM — Yoga with Kyle (appropriate for all levels)

Thurs 7:00 - 8:00 PM — Tergar Meditation with Kyle (free)

helping our community take responsibility for its wellbeing
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