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How do you pronounce "Jivaka"?

It's pronounced "JEE-vuh-kuh!"

What does Jivaka mean?

Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha was the physician to the historical Buddha 2500 years ago. He is a founder of both Tibetan medicine and Thai Massage, both of which we practice at the Jivaka Wellness Center.

Is Buddhism practiced at your center?

While Kyle, the owner, is a practicing Buddhist, there are no spiritual or faith-based practices or activities at our center. We welcome people of all faiths, or of no particular faith. While yoga, meditation, and Tibetan medicine do have roots in some spiritual traditions, you are not required to accept any belief system in order to come here. We encourage tolerance of all faiths that are dedicated to not harming others.

Is yoga right for me? I am not flexible.

It might be good to consider what you hope to achieve by practicing yoga, and to know the sort of yoga we practice at Jivaka. We aim to teach practices that are appropriate for the actual bodies who show up. What this means is that no matter whether you are inflexible, or have any other sort of physical limitations, yoga may be just the right thing for you. Every body is different, and this answer has different aspects depending on you - we would be happy to discuss your individual needs and concerns with you.

In addition, it is important to acknowledge that the physical poses that come to mind for most people, upon hearing the term "yoga," represent only one of eight limbs that, together, constitute yoga. Yoga's complete meaning is a set of guidelines for leading a purposeful and righteous life. The intention of asana is to help serve this greater goal. Knowing this helps one remember this fact: that so much of a a true yoga practice takes place off the mat.

What should I bring or wear for a yoga class?

Wear comfortable clothes that you can stretch and move in. Many students like to wear t-shirts and sweats or leggings. Because some movements may involve bending, stretching, or turning over, we recommend clothes that fit well and are not revealing, for your comfort and the comfort of others. There are no shoes worn in the center, and socks may become slippery, so be prepared to go barefoot on your mat. You may bring your own mat, or use one provided by the studio.

Are there any rules for a yoga class?

The most important rule is not to harm yourself or others.

Some other considerations:

  • Please turn your cell phone off before class

  • Let your teacher know in advance if you have any injuries, illnesses, or limitations

  • If you arrive late, please make eye contact with the teacher BEFORE entering the main door, and wait for them to signal for you to come in (*the door is heavy - please let it close softly!)

  • If you must leave before the end of class, let your teacher know in advance

  • You are in charge of your own wellbeing. You are NEVER required to do anything that makes you feel unsafe.

What should I know about receiving a massage?

The types of massage that we offer at the center are intended to be therapeutic, and both practitioner and recipient should feel safe at all times. Both client and therapist have the right to refuse working on any specific areas of the body. 

For table massage, the recipient undresses only to his/her level of comfort, and is draped with a sheet at all times.

Thai Yoga Massage is done fully clothed on a thick mat on the floor. Because it involves having one's body stretched and moved, we recommend the same clothes we would suggest for yoga, maybe even clothes that are a little warmer (since massage is passive rather than active). A t-shirt or long-sleeved t-shirt and sweatpants or leggings would work great.

What kind of meditation do you do?

We follow a non-faith-based practice that focuses on awareness of breath and senses. Our meditation sittings are free of charge, and are open to attending on a drop-in basis.

What does it say in the foreign language on your sign?

It is written in Tibetan, and says, "Tso Jed Shon Nu Shen Pen Ling," which means, "The Jivaka Center For Benefiting Others." In Tibetan, Jivaka's name is "Tso Jed Shon Nu," which means, "The Healer Who is Full Of Vitality."

helping our community take responsibility for its wellbeing

©2013 Jivaka Wellness Center

19C 3rd St. Elkins, WV 26241


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