Health Consultations in Traditional Tibetan Medicine
(with Kyle Weaner)
Initial Consultation: $50
Follow-up Consultations: $30
Tibetan Medicine is an ancient healing science, which utilizes a holistic, compassionate approach to the wellness of body and mind. The system is known for its elaborate techniques of pulse reading and urine analysis, which inform the practitioner of the balance of body and mind in the client. After the initial assessment, some recommendations may include dietary or lifestyle changes, herbal supplements, or non-invasive therapies.
Tibetan Therapeutic Massage (Kunye)
(with Kyle Weaner)
30 minutes: $50
60 minutes: $90
90 minutes: $130
Tibetan Therapeutic Massage, Kunye, is a deep, relaxing, and therapeutic massage. It is beneficial for stress reduction and increased circulation of blood, nerve, lymph, and Loong (wind) channels. It can tone limbs, reduce pain in the spine, joints, and muscles, and rejuvenate the vital energy. Techniques utilize oils and creams, long smooth strokes, circular motions, and pressure to the 108 sensitive points in the Tibetan medical system, which affect alignment, balance, organ function, circulation, and general wellness.
Thai Yoga Massage
(Nuat Boran)
(with Kelly Alba or Kyle Weaner)
60 minutes: $90
90 minutes: $130
120 minutes: $165
Thai massage is an ancient technique of bringing wellness and balance to body and mind. It can be described as "passive yoga" - the recipient wears comfortable clothes and relaxes on a soft mat on the floor, while the practitioner "does the yoga" for him or her. Through stretching and rotation of the spine and limbs, massaging sen (energy) lines, and rhythmic compressions of varying pressure, the recipient can enjoy an improvement in circulation, energy, mobility, and flexibility. This dynamic modality can benefit anyone interested in experiencing its deep healing effects.
Cupping Therapy
(Zang Bum)
(with Kyle Weaner)
One hour: $60
Cupping therapy clears stagnation of the humors, or vital energies of the body. In traditional Tibetan Medicine, disease arises when there is a blockage of a channel, or a humor enters the wrong channel or region of the body. Cupping can bring the humors back to a balanced state. Specific ailments that this can relieve are back pain and digestive discomfort, but cupping can benefit all the humors of the body.
Moxibustion Therapy
(Me 'Tsa)
(with Kyle Weaner)
45 minutes: $50
Moxibustion therapy relieves many disorders, such as stress, insomnia, joint pain and stiffness, and digestion issues. By gently applying heat to a sensitive point with the Tawa herb (Artemesia vulgaris), moxibustion stimulates free flowing circulation of wind and the drying of phlegm. A type of wood called seng deng (Rhamnella gilgitea) is sometimes also used, and is particularly effective in drying lymphatic fluid.
Fomentation Therapy
(with Kyle Weaner)
One hour: $80
Fomentation may be hot or cold. Hot fomentation can incorporate warm herbal compresses, like nutmeg and caraway for stress. The herbs can be heated with either water or oil. Hot fomentation can also be performed with the use of warm salts, or warm mud, clay, or stone. Cold fomentation is usually done with cool river stone.
Holistic Health Assessment and Consultation
(with Barbara Weaner, FNP, Naturopath)
60 minutes: $60
15 minutes: $15
Veterans' discount: $20/hour
Need-based sliding fees available
Holistic health consultations include a comprehensive assessment of your health, lifestyle, and medications. This will include a physical examination, as well as a review of medical history and of any lab work, radiologic studies, and other tests, as needed.
The consultations apply integrative approaches to overall management of acute or chronic medical conditions, addressing medications, diet, and stress management as needed.
Suggestions regarding lifestyle modifications to prevent and/or slow the progression of disease may be offered, as well as help with medical advocacy and palliative care.
A personalized plan can be developed in cooperation with your primary care provider, if you so wish.
Home visits are available.
helping our community take responsibility for its wellbeing
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